
Emmanuelle Ducrocq

Avenue Foch

On the triangle of lawn that joins Avenue Foch and Boulevard François 1er, Emmanuelle Ducrocq has installed a series of poles of varying sizes

Emmanuelle Ducrocq - Entre (c) Philippe Bréard (9)
Emmanuelle Ducrocq - Entre (c) Philippe Bréard (6)
Emmanuelle Ducrocq - Entre (c) Philippe Bréard

On the triangle of lawn that joins Avenue Foch and Boulevard François 1er, Emmanuelle Ducrocq has installed a series of poles of varying sizes, on top of which sit chairs salvaged from various districts of Le Havre. She has added photosensitive varnish to them, so that their surface reflects the light at different times of the day. Mounted on rotating devices, they turn according to the direction of the wind... In this way, the work is constantly re-composed, depending on the light and the weather. By highlighting the need to adopt new perspectives, the artist seeks to offer us another way of interacting with society, in a sensitive exploration of the differences between the city’s districts: the upper and lower parts, the destroyed and rebuilt parts, the submerged and emerged parts. We are invited to mentally “occupy” these seats, to project ourselves into this choreography entrusted to the whim of the elements, to observe the world and become one with it in a different way.
