On the occasion of Un Été Au Havre, several local companies and international corporations located in the area are supporting artistic creation and are committed to the cultural and touristic development of the area and the enhancement of its attractiveness.
Un Été Au Havre’s primary private sponsor
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Seine-Estuaire does its utmost to encourage local stakeholders from all economic sectors to support Un Été Au Havre
The enthusiasm and commitment of the LH Club members have definitely helped the event « take root » in the area by supporting the implementation of monumental artworks which are enjoyed by the locals and which have helped establish Le Havre as a major cultural tourism destination.
To keep this momentum going, Le Havre must continue to reveal itself to those who are not yet aware of the uniqueness, character, and urban spirit of the city. Joining the LH Club is a way to help sustain and further improve this positive trend for all. By joining this « VIP Club », you will take part to all major events and join the largest companies in the area.
Membership implies financial support to the GIP Un Été Au Havre Public Interest Group for the implementation of a monumental artwork in public space or for the organisation of a major event.
The LH Club is chaired by Yves LEFEBVRE, President of the CCI Seine Estuaire
The TPE-PME Club enables all small and medium-sized companies located in Le Havre and the Seine Estuary to become sponsors of Un Été Au Havre and thus contribute to the attractiveness of the area. Indeed, corporate philanthropy actions have played a major part in the improvement of Le Havre's reputation. In addition to providing financial support for artistic projects, joining the TPE-PME Club also means being part of a dynamic group within which numerous initiatives and projects are developed.
Keen to develop cultural and touristic attractiveness in the region, local businesses are supporting Un Été Au Havre for the fourth year running. Gathered within the TPE-PME Club and supported by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Seine Estuary, they will become patrons of one of the monumental artworks of this popular artistic project. TPE-PME Club Chairwoman Sophie Szklarek declares : « In addition to providing financial support for artistic projects, joining the TPE-PME Club also means being part of a dynamic group within which numerous initiatives are developed and implemented. »
The TPE-PME Club is co-chaired by Yves LEFEBVRE and Emmanuelle DODELANDE.
Cultural events : private exhibition tours, meetings with artists...
Media exposure : press articles, social networks
An opportunity to meet and exchange with potential business partners
Almost 190 patrons since its foundation
5 major artworks sponsored: Couleurs sur la plage (Karel Martens, 2017), A l'origine (Fabien Merelle, 2018), Sisyphus Casemate (Henrique Oliveira, 2019), La Lune s'est posée au Havre (Arthur Gosse, 2021) and Algues et Coquillages (Emma Biggs, 2022).
40 events organised by the Club (business meetings, cultural events, privileged interactions with the artists...)
53 events organised by the members in the places proposed to the members (staff meetings, business meetings, showrooms, job dating events...)
A collective endeavour welcoming all visitors throughout the summer.
For Le Havre's 500th anniversary in 2017, there were one thousand Ambassadeurs du Commerce*. Today, their network still mobilises shop owners, craftsmen, service providers, and independent professionals, gathered to offer a warm welcome to all Un Été Au Havre visitors.
Once again this year, local merchants and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Seine Estuary will continue to collaborate to promote local trade and develop joint projects during the summer celebrations.
All Ambassadeurs du Commerce* are easily recognisable through the signs on their shop windows.
Find out more about the Ambassadeurs du Commerce* on their Facebook page @LesAmbassadeursDuCommerceCCISeineEstuaire.
* Trade Ambassadors