La Vague

Joël Andrianomearisoa

Bibliothèque Universitaire
Les Docks Vauban

Between two of the city’s iconic landmarks, Joël Andrianomearisoa presents “the alphabet of our feelings”

La vague affection - (c) Anne-Bettina Brunet

A journey between the Bibliothèque Universitaire du Havre and the Bains des Docks. In partnership with Rubis Mécénat

Between two of the city’s iconic landmarks, Joël Andrianomearisoa presents “the alphabet of our feelings”. Two phrases: “Sur la vague infinie se joue le théâtre de nos affections” (the theatre of our affections plays out on the infinite wave), Sur le crépuscule du temps se dessinent nos promesses éternelles (our eternal promises take shape on the twilight of time) are emblazoned in luminous letters on the façades of the Bains des Docks and the University Library. They form two halves of a poem that unfolds on the monumental scale of the city. The artist will scatter fragments of text in a variety of forms across several locations between these two phrases. The public will be able to discover the different manifestations of these fragments of poetry, notably in the university library, where fragments of his work are hidden inside books on the shelves, waiting to be discovered in a few months or ten years’ time. The artist has always sought, in his artistic process, to work on different scales. He felt it was important to combine the immediacy of his immense luminous phrases with a journey through the city, where the fragility of the words slips into everyday life, like seeds that germinate in our heads.

Joël Andrianomearisoa’s project received production funding from the Rubis Mécénat endowment fund as part of its support for contemporary artistic creation.

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