Ad Minolti

Date of birth


Place of birth

Buenos Aires, Argentine

Artist type


Ad Minoliti (Buenos Aires 1980) creates experimental installations based on geometry and abstraction, drawing inspiration from art history, architecture, queer feminism, childhood, animalism and speculative fiction. Their latest solo exhibitions have taken place at the BALTIC and the Tate St Ives (UK), at the CCC OD (France), Antenna Space (China) and La Casa Encendida (Spain). They have participated in various residencies such as Gasworks & URRA London, FRAC Pays de la Loire, Cité Internationale des Arts Paris, and Kadist San Francisco.

Represented in France by Galerie Crèvecœur, their work has been exhibited in galleries, institutions and museums in South Korea, Peru, Mexico, Japan, Brazil, China, Bolivia and Chile, among other countries. Their most recent projects have taken place at the ICA Los Angeles, MCA Puerto Rico, TANK Shanghai, Fondation Pernod Ricard and MoMA Buenos Aires, and they also participated in the Aichi Triennale in 2016, the 58th Venice Biennale in 2019, the 13th Gwangju Biennale in 2021 and the Nice Biennale in 2022.

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Associated Artworks

Nature is Queer

Nature is Queer

Le Portique welcomes Argentinian artist Ad Minoliti. Minoliti’s exhibition, invites visitors to explore gender issues and queer feminism

Hôtel des Oiseaux

Hôtel des Oiseaux

Hôtel des Oiseaux is a large 6-metre-high parallelepiped set into the embankment at the southern entrance to the former fort