Nature is Queer

Ad Minolti

Le portique

Le Portique welcomes Argentinian artist Ad Minoliti. Minoliti’s exhibition, invites visitors to explore gender issues and queer feminism


Le Portique welcomes Argentinian artist Ad Minoliti. Minoliti’s exhibition, Nature is Queer, invites visitors to explore gender issues and queer feminism through a series of lively colourful installations. While their universe is largely childlike and playful, Minoliti’s work examines contemporary society, tracks societal changes and questions theories of gender, which they apply to their pictorial language of collage and mixed media. A combination of geometric abstraction and representation, their universe plunges us into a colourful world inspired by childhood memories. Nature is Queer examines nature, ecology and feminism in all its forms. Murals, paintings and installations invite visitors to immerse themselves in a multi-coloured utopia, to think differently about society and to question the norm and established conventions. A rebellious stance concealed beneath a veritable riot of bright and cheerful colours.

The exhibition is a collaboration between Le Portique and Un Été Au Havre. Ad Minoliti’s work will also be presented at the Jardins Suspendus.

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