Charlotte Roux

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Le Havre native Charlotte Roux has previously worked for INA (the French national audiovisual institute) and RFI (Radio France Internationale), and is now a producer and director at Radio France. She has produced numerous historical documentaries (for the program La Fabrique de l’histoire), portraits of cities (for the series Villes-Mondes) and radio essays (for L’Atelier de la Création Radiophonique) for France Culture radio station. Her reporting work has taken her to Belfast, Stockholm, Sarajevo, Saint-Denis-de-la-Réunion, Kinshasa, Kigali and Boston, among other destinations, each time with the ambition of identifying what makes the cities buzz and sharing it with the program’s listeners. She’s currently working on the soundscapes of the docks of Paris and Istanbul.

She is especially interested in port environments, where stories of the real and the not-so-real converge. This is what inspired her to produce and direct a number of 3D, multichannel and binaural sound creations, such as Le Havre, chambre d’échos (Le Havre, the echo chamber). Since 2015, she has been associate curator on the Les Passagers du Son (Passengers of Sound) project, an aural portrait of the city and port of Le Havre, included in the A Summer in Le Havre program.

Photo © Yohan Sancerni

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