Emmanuelle Ducrocq

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Artist type


Born in Morocco in 1969, Emmanuelle Ducrocq arrived in France at the tender age of 17. Following a career in theatre with Compagnie Claude Buchvald, Ducrocq went on to study at the Versailles National School of Landscape Architecture (ENSP). Space as a partner, material and stage for creation gradually became the focus of her research, a topic she explores during residencies in France and abroad by developing a work process in situ. Everything that characterises a place becomes creative material, to respond to and to reveal. Emmanuelle Ducrocq regularly invites local residents to take part in the creation of her work. Since 2015, she has had a studio at multidisciplinary art centre Ferme-Asile in Sion (Switzerland), and since 2020, at POUSH in Aubervilliers. Her work has been exhibited as part of the European Hito programme in Hecho (Spain), the Nuit Blanche 2014 at the Centre d’Art Contemporain de l’Abbaye de Maubuisson in Saint-Ouen L’Aumône, and at the Pavillon Vendôme in Clichy.

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On the triangle of lawn that joins Avenue Foch and Boulevard François 1er, Emmanuelle Ducrocq has installed a series of poles of varying sizes